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pine gum salve

Pine trees ooze resin when they get damaged, this resin is penetrative, deep drawing and soothing.  This natural pine salve is great as a natural first aid to treat rashes, cold sores, splinters, inflamed or infected wounds, boils, corns, abscesses, or fungal infections and for insect bites.  This salve has amazing drawing, soothing and healing properties!


Pine is a powerful counter-irritant meaning that it stimulates local blood flow and aggravates the local immune response into revving up a noticeable amount.  It is a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent.  It is warming, stimulating and is also very antimicrobial, clearing up infections from a variety of sources.  Pine gum, like many resins, is strongly antibacterial and will kill bacterial infections.

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